the Quran says that Isa Mesih will be the sign of the judgment. “And (Jesus ) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment)…” (Qs 43:61
Isa is the Final Judge?

the Quran says that Isa Mesih will be the sign of the judgment. “And (Jesus ) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment)…” (Qs 43:61
Allah defined His name when He met Moses in the desert. Allah revealed Himself as “Fire” in the bush. At that time, according to the Quran, Allah said, “O Moses, indeed it is I – Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise” (Qs 27:9).
Muslims Ask: Why Did People Want to Kill Isa Mesih? “Why did people want to kill Isa Mesih?” some Muslims ask. That’s a very good question. Two groups of people actually wanted Isa dead. How come? Is Isa Mesih worth following then? Isa Mesih’s Character and Actions Isa Mesih had excellent character. Not only that, […]
Muslims,the Problem of Shame, and Isa Mesih Because I live in the United States, I rarely meet an Arab Muslim, especially one who has become a follower of Isa Mesih. Recently, Mr. Abbas, a former Arab Muslim, gave a lecture at my church. When he was young, Mr. Abbas was a Syrian soldier. He loved […]
Nowhere Does Isa Mesih Say, “I Am God, Worship Me.” If a man came to you and said, “I am God, worship me,” would you believe him? Would you worship him? Most people would call a person making such a claim an impostor and a blasphemer. Someone who would make such a statement would be […]
Was Isa Mesih “Touched” by Satan? Being “touched by Satan” and being tempted by Satan are two very different matters. The Bible and the Quran both teach that Isa Mesih was without sin (Qs 19). Indeed Isa Mesih was tempted by Satan to commit sin but unlike other humans He never fell into sin. Seemingly […]
What Is Meant by the Term “Son of God”? Does the Bible teach that God begat Isa? In other words, is Isa is the result of a biological/sexual union? This is the understanding many people have who have not yet studied and understood the teaching of the Bible. In the view of Christians and of […]
What is the Purpose of Isa Coming to Earth? There are many similarities about Isa Mesih in Islam and Christianity. For example, Isa was born of a virgin, He was holy, never sinned, did many miracles, and is now in heaven. One other similarity is that Isa will come to earth on Judgment Day as […]
Where Is the Body of Christ? Why does it matter if Isa Mesih rose from the dead? If Isa did not rise, then millions of His followers have lived for a lie. If Isa did rise, then He is still alive. The Apostle Paul wrote, “He was buried. He was raised from the dead on […]
Who Can Say, “It Is Finished!” – Muhammad or Isa? Allah requires payment for sin. That payment must be perfect, because Allah is perfect. Man deserves to die because of his sin. Scripture says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Injil, […]