Who Can Say, “It Is Finished!” – Muhammad or Isa?
Allah requires payment for sin. That payment must be perfect, because Allah is perfect. Man deserves to die because of his sin. Scripture says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Injil, Romans 6:23). Allah cannot allow any sin to be in His presence. Isa was the only One who could be the ultimate sacrifice to pay for the sins of the world. Only He was sinless (Qs 19:19).
Idul Adha celebrates Allah providing a ram for Abraham to sacrifice in place of his son. Some believe this is a foretelling of what Allah would do when He sent the Kalimat Allah, Isa Mesih, to earth to die on the cross for the sins of all people. Isa came to earth to bridge the gap that separates man from God. He was the sacrifice for our sin.

Why on the Cross Did Isa Mesih Cry, “It is Finished!”?
When Isa surrendered His life on the cross, he shouted, “It is finished!” He did not say, “I am finished.” That would have been a word of defeat. His mother Mary and the disciple John heard a word of triumph. Isa had finished the work He came to earth to do. He chose to die and He knew He would rise from the dead three days later.
The Greek Meaning of “It is Finished!”
But why did He say, “It is finished?” The Greek word He spoke means, “Paid in Full!” What was paid in full? The ransom price that was needed to reconcile a holy God with sinful men was paid in full. There is nothing more to add. Salvation has been purchased for you and for all sinners – any who wish may accept it.
No Other Way to Pay the Punishment for Sins
No other religion or prophet can say this. No one can ever do enough fasting or praying to pay for his sins. Religious works do not get a person into heaven. It is impossible to say with confidence, “I have paid for all of my sins in full and heaven is now mine.” The only way that a person can get into heaven is by accepting Isa Mesih’s sacrifice on the cross as the payment for his sins.
If “It is Finished!” What Can We Add?

There is nothing to add. God loves you and simply calls out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (Injil, John 7:37-38). Your sin debt is canceled. The punishment for your sins was paid for on the cross. Thank Allah for His grace and accept this precious gift today. Isa Mesih offers you a full pardon. Call out to Him now.
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Email us! Yolcu216@gmail.com
1.) What does the sentence “It is finished” mean?
2.) Why did Isa say it?
3.) Why can’t men pay for their own sins?