Allah’s Holy Prophets Foretold the Coming of Hz. Isa Mesih! Email us your comment to For many people around the world, Christmas is their favorite holiday. Special decorations are put up both inside and outside of the house. Special foods are eaten and traditions are kept. Christmas carols are sung and families gather. But […]
Author: emine
All Muslims- Isa Is The Sign And Mercy From Allah For You! Allah gave his people many signs. He also gives an abundance of mercy to his people. But, there is one sign, one act of mercy that is greater than any other. Allah declared that Isa is the Sign and Mercy from Him. This […]
Email us your comment to This statement is true, “No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another…” (Qs. 6:164). No one who bears the burden of sin can bear the burden of another. But what if there was someone who had no burden of His own? Can’t he then bear the burden of […]
Did Hz. Isa Mesih Advocate War?
Email us your comment to Some people charge Hz. Isa Mesih (Jesus Christ) with advocating war. This is not true. It is true that Hz. Isa Mesih ’s teachings divided families. They still do. Often it is the case that one family member wants to follow Is while the others oppose their decision. We […]
Did Isa Mesih Bring a New Religion?
Email us your comment to No religion can forgive sin. No religion can guarantee entry into heaven. Religion is merely man’s effort to organize the lives of its followers and somehow to reach upward to God. The religion of Isa Al-Masih is no different. It cannot save people from their sin. Humanity does not […]
Did Isa Dishonor His Mother?
Did Isa Al-Masih Dishonor His Mother? Email us your comment to Some people charge Isa Mesih with dishonoring his mother. It is a baseless charge. Indeed in Matthew chapter 12 Isa Mesih taught his listeners that everyone who does the will of the Father is as near to him as his mother or his […]
Is Isa Allah?
Is Isa Mesih Really a Manifestation of God? Email us your comment to The Quran gives Hz. Isa Mesih a mighty and glorious name. He is called the Word of Allah (Qs 3:45, 3:39). Yes, only Isa Hz. Isa Mesih is given such a lofty and important title. Why is this? Why are no […]
Did Isa Die on the Cross?
Is There Evidence Isa Died On The Cross? Email us your comment to “Is there evidence Isa died on the cross”? People often ask us this question on our website. We hope studying the following evidence about Hz. Isa Mesih’s death will give you a true perspective about it. Four Pieces of Evidence Isa […]
Email us your Comments to Why do people pray? Prayer is the act of communicating with God. There is no secret formula for prayer. There are no special words or special language. There is also no prescribed place or time for prayer. God gave human beings the gifts of intellect, emotion and language. These […]
Email us your Comments to Muslims and Christians agree that worshipping anything or anyone other than Allah is idolatry. Muslims often ask, “Why do Christians worship Isa Al-Masih?” This is a great question because both Muslims and Christians consider worshipping anything/anyone other than Allah a very serious sin. The Injil and the Quran write […]