Hz. Isa Mesih Uncategorized

Why did people want to kill Hz. Isa Mesih?

Muslims Ask: Why Did People Want to Kill Isa Mesih?  “Why did people want to kill Isa Mesih?” some Muslims ask. That’s a very good question. Two groups of people actually wanted Isa dead. How come? Is Isa Mesih worth following then? Isa Mesih’s Character and Actions Isa Mesih had excellent character. Not only that, […]

Hz. Isa Mesih Uncategorized

The Issue of Shame

Muslims,the Problem of Shame, and Isa Mesih Because I live in the United States, I rarely meet an Arab Muslim, especially one who has become a follower of Isa Mesih. Recently, Mr. Abbas, a former Arab Muslim, gave a lecture at my church. When he was young, Mr. Abbas was a Syrian soldier. He loved […]