Did Hz. Isa Mesih Really Die and Rise From Death?

Who Is Correct, Muslims Or Christians – Did Isa Mesih Really Die and Rise From Death? The Injil records that Isa Mesih died on the cross. Joseph of Arimathea buried Isa in a tomb (Injil, John 19:38). After three days, He came back to life. Muslims deny these facts replying with “How could Allah allow… Continue reading Did Hz. Isa Mesih Really Die and Rise From Death?

Why Muslims Can’t Deny the Possibility of the Incarnation!

Why Muslims Can’t Deny the Possibility of the Incarnation! Many Muslims have told us it’s impossible for God to come to earth through the incarnation. But is it wise for any person to say that is impossible for God to do something? Muslims continually say, “Allahhu Akbar!” But is God really great if something is… Continue reading Why Muslims Can’t Deny the Possibility of the Incarnation!